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Full Disclosure: I had NO IDEA this was a thing until I saw a post about it in the “Things to Do in Connecticut” Facebook page. It has quickly become an obsession.

So, CT Public Radio has a really good explanation of what’s going to happen, but the gist is: The moon will be extra close to Earth, which makes it look bigger than usual (Supermoon). It will also be the second full moon we’ve seen this month, which makes it a “Blue Moon.”

Also, technically it’s full on August 30th (Wednesday) but will also look full on Thursday and Friday. So if you miss it, you do have 2 more chances to see it.

Some cool places to view: (Check this clear sky chart before heading out)

Please note that state parks may have different rules on access- some of the stargazing events are open to campers only. However, many campgrounds do have availability and cost as little as $10 per night. Do with this information what you will 🙂

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