Zombies are everywhere! Where does our continous facination of the undead come from? They’ve been around forever! From George A. Romero’s cult classic to Kirkman, Moore, and Adlard’s Walking Dead…I know people that are nuts for zombie culture! When I go to comic shows, you can pretty much guarantee that you will see someone cosplaying as a zombie OR an undead version of some popular character! Heck, Marvel Comics even dedicated a series to zombies attacking their own universe! There are zombies in books, video games, magazines, comics, movies, clothing, toys and games. We even have Zombie Runs…marathons where the undead chase YOU! The Walking Dead, created originally in comic form, made the jump to television and became SUPER popular. To the point where it’s spawned reprints, super successfull licencing and now a spin-off tv series that starts in a few weeks. Maybe it’s the gross factor. It could be the unstoppable need for brains. Could be the survivalist experience that intrigues people. In the Walking Dead, the scariest characters are the living people. Could be all those things and many more…
For me, I think there’s a definite benefit to being able to celebrate Halloween all year long …
So why not have a little Halloween during the Summer, right? This week Free Lunch can be found:
- The Noah Webster Library in West Hartford with Comic Construction
- Bristol Public Library with Comic Construction
- New Britain Public Library with Character Design for Kids and Adults
- Drawing and Painting for Teens at CES Design Studios in Granby
- Day Of Zombies at CES Design Studios in Granby SATURDAY, AUGUST 1
- and Jams every Monday!!!
This summer has been crazy busy with library, camp and convention visits. The age range for these events where I am teaching and entertain is as young as 6 and as old as the seventies!
Here’s where I’ll be this week:
- The Noah Webster Library in West Hartford with Comic Construction
- Bristol Public Library with Comic Construction
- New Britain Public Library with Character Design for Kids and Adults
- Drawing and Painting for Teens at CES Design Studios in Granby
- Day Of Zombies at CES Design Studios in Granbyand Jams every Monday!!!
Here’s another Junk Food from Free Lunch Comics for you to enjoy!
Contact me through my site or Facebook page soon.
Coming soon: Day of the Zombies!