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Ultimate Snow Day With Kids


We can’t believe we’re going to say this, but how we have MISSED these snowy days! It feels like winter has been taunting us this year. Here are a few ways that we’re celebrating our snow day.


Povitcia (Snow Day Breakfast)

Povitica- Snow Day Breakfast

Special breakfast: 

Last year’s supply chain issues made Pillsbury cinnamon buns hard to find, so we started making this incredible cinnamon sugar Povitica instead (We learned about it during the Great British Bakeoff). Povitica is a traditional Eastern European celebration bread- it’s usually served during the holidays: and in our house, snow days DEFINITELY count as a holiday! 


When making the bread, I always just ignore the filling and use butter, cinnamon, and sugar instead. I also let it sit overnight in the fridge and bake it first thing in the morning. There’s nothing better than the smell of baking bread in the morning.


Snow Day Sensory Bin Bear Rescue

Snow Day Sensory Bin- Bear Rescue

Snowy Sensory Bin:

We put together this bear search and rescue sensory bin. We took our tin and filled it with snow and math counting bears. Then our kid testers used cups and spoons to look for the bears and help “save” them from the avalanche. As a bonus, they learned to wear gloves while playing with it. 


It was also a great way to help our kid testers manage their snow excitement while I finished my morning coffee.




Outdoor Snow Day Play

Outdoor Snow Day Play

Outdoor snow play:

This is, of course, the best  part of our day: Getting to go outside and play in the snow at last. We often end up outside at 7am. It’s very early. Some of our favorite activities outside are:


Snow Angels

Snow People (We like to build them upside down)

Snow Forts.

We’ve been waiting all season for this: Let the games begin! 


Ice Cube Igloo

Ice Cube Igloo

Indoor Games:

When it’s time to warm up, we head inside for some indoor fun. Here are some of our favorite games:

  • Indoor snowball fight (we use crumpled paper, but I’ve seen cute snowballs online)
  •  The Floor is Lava (this has nothing to do with snow, but it is my daughter’s favorite game)
  • Family fort contest – as a bonus, once the fort is built, we can turn it into a reading activity.
  • Indoor igloo building (we took ours outside after): my toddler had a blast using snow from her sensory bin to “glue” ice cubes together and form an igloo. Great way to stay warm while also playing with snow.
  • Dance party- Alexa is a fan favorite in our house. We put on some tunes and dance the day away!

Family Movie:

When everyone is all tired out, we have a living room picnic in front of a new movie. It’s a great way to wind down over-excited kids. Once everyone is rested up, we head back outside for some more family fun!

Looking to have the ultimate snow day? Use our Snow Day Bucket List for inspiration:

Snow day bucket list

Snow Day Bucket List

How do you and your family celebrate snow days? We want to know! 



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