Free Family Day: Re-Re-Re-Recycle! is presented in conjunction with Streaming: Sculpture by Christy Rupp (Walsh Gallery, January 19–April 27) Join us on Saturday, March 23…
Families will have the opportunity to meet with representatives from Greater Hartford Regional School Choice Office's network of choice schools - magnet schools, open choice…
Visit the Connecticut Museum Free Family Program: Snow Days for a day of snowy fun! Families will design one-of-a-kind slow globes, make holiday poppers to…
Have you ever moved from one place to another? Explore our newest exhibition, Journeys 旅途: Boys of the Chinese Educational Mission and then look through suitcases…
Hello performers? Arts in CT welcomes you to Audition for Disney's Aladdin Jr. Ages 6-16! We're looking for young actors, singers, and dancers to bring…