Circophony Teen Circus presents Coalesce, an original Circus-Theater performance, January 30 - February 1 at Oddfellows Playhouse in Middletown. Coalesce, using acrobatics, juggling, unicycling, clowning…
Auditions are March 6 and 9 in Middletown for actors ages 14 - 20 looking for a powerful and challenging performance experience this spring. Oddfellows…
Auditions are March 6 and 9 in Middletown for actors ages 14 - 20 looking for a powerful and challenging performance experience this spring. Oddfellows…
Oddfellows Playhouse Teen Repertory Company 2022 announces auditions for “Journey to the West", a contemporary adaptation of a 16th century classic Chinese novel created by…
Oddfellows Playhouse Teen Repertory Company 2022 announces auditions for “Journey to the West", a contemporary adaptation of a 16th century classic Chinese novel created by…
Let your child Act Out at Curtain Call's Theatre Arts Classes! For nearly thirty years, Curtain Call, Inc. (Stamford's longest-running and only non-profit, theatre producing…