The official Facebook page of the children’s book “The Little Prince” created this graphic tribute to Paris over the weekend. It led me to an article written by mother and freelance writer Lindsay Hanson Metcalf for The Kansas City Star How to Talk to Your Kids about Terrorism. “With events like these, they needed to know from parents and loved ones before they went back to school, church or a restaurant where newspaper racks screamed about the massacre,” says author so find some guidance in how to discuss what happened in Paris and Beirut. “It’s our job to teach them how to cope without traumatizing them; the right books can help.”
Read more here:
The image of The Little Prince also known Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry or Le Petit Prince holding a circle – or is a globe? – surrounding the Eiffel Tower moved us. This novella is the 3rd most-translated book in the world and was voted the best book of the 20th century in France. The storyline is about Little Prince’s travels and those he met along the way. It is said to be a book for both children written for grown-ups since it can be read on many different levels to provide pleasure and food for thought for readers of all ages. The story is philosophical and includes social criticism, remarking ironically on the strangeness of the adult world. The story is philosophical and includes social criticism, remarking on the strangeness of the adult world. Saint-Exupéry began writing The Little Prince during World War II, after he fled the country with a homesick desire to return to France and his hope of returning to a time of peace. Wartime stress undoubtedly contributed to the message of love and compassion. (
Go explore this tale of loneliness, friendship, love, and loss and remember we need to make a commitment to Prayers for Paris and Peace for All in order to live in hope.
The Cool Mom Picks website also published excellent resources to help parents, teachers and other caregivers how to talk about the tragedy in Paris. I particularly like the tip “it’s ok to turn off the news” = self preservation which I’ve been practicing for years. “My other favorite tip is that when it comes to talking to your kids, ask them questions first (So, what do you know?) and let their own knowledge guide how you discuss hard events.”