Parks and Recreation is excited to offer Trunk or Treat on the Town Green!
Thriller Flash Mob will be joining us this year in the middle of the green so be sure to keep an eye out for zombies and spooky fun!! In addition to trunks, all participating businesses on the Town Green, Bank Street and RailRoad Street will display our flyer in their establishments window.
Trunk or Treaters (trick or treating)– This event is open to the public and no registration is required. This is a free event. Dressing up in costume is strongly encouraged!
Trunks (handing out candy) – We are looking for participants to decorate their vehicles and dress up in costume and hand out candy. You must register so that we can accommodate a space for your vehicle (one registration per vehicle only). Vehicles will be assigned a parking spot along the Town Green. You can begin setting up at 4:30 PM and must be finished decorating by 5:15 PM. Please bring candy to distribute for approximately 2,000 participants.